Thank you all who have emailed me or personally given me your input and your own success stories! I will be posting along a few ideas out there that I will be trying out!
So, I totally LOVE my results from the little things that I have changed. With that, I am going to kick it UP a notch because I want MORE! (who doesn't?)
So my weight update:
I have lost 9 pounds so far! I am one away from my first goal.
I haven't posted as of yet what my weight was when I started out....
I'm afraid to say it out loud, but I think that IF it is said, then MAYBE it wont be such a horrible number (at least it feels that way in my mind). But thats ALL it is. A number. IF numbers were truely scary, then most kids would not want to watch Sesame Street AND would cry horrified when they heard :"Brought to you by the number 9." Right? RIGHT????
Ok, here is the break down:
2004 (High School): 125 lbs
2005 End of 1st yr. College: 135 lbs
2006 Post Baby #1 weight: 185 lbs (ouch!)
2008 Post Baby #2 weight: 198 lbs (double ouch!)
2010 Post Baby #3 weight: 215 lbs (kaBOOM!)
(Technically that was new years day 2011 :D)
2011 Before this blog started: 205lbs
Keep in mind, maybe thats not a BIG number. But for my stature, it is definately NOT healthy.
According to a BMI calculator I used, this current weight is still OBESE... with at LEAST 46 pounds to go to be borderline "overweight", and 76 pounds to be "NORMAL"
Reality check. After having kids, there is no way that weighing 120 pounds is "NORMAL" for my height. My body is NOT the same. I do not fall for the cookie cutter programs, and I dont think anyone else should either. BUT, it is a good standard to go by.
My goal: to eventually weigh 140-150
What am I doing now? starting today:
I have come to the point where I need to mix things up. I have decided to double my daily water intake. This is ok for me, because I was NOT getting the recommended 8-12 glasses a day (Keep in mind that your water intake should be over an entire day and not all at once. Drinking large amounts of water in a short period of time can result in water intoxication thereby flushing out necessary electrolytes. So yes, it is possible to drink too much water too...)
Im waking up earlier in the day, and going to bed earlier at night. This may sound obvious, but I have kids that are sleepers like mom and dad and they do not get up early, so I get to sleep in, and they go to bed early so I stay up to get things done :) getting up earlier will help my metabloism, AND (crossing fingers!) I am hoping to do these 10 minute workouts I have on my instant queue on Netflix before starting the day. This, hopefully, will give me the energy I need and of course will help tone muscle!
One more thing: Im going to start recording everynight what I ate and keep track of it on
It is free and it is a great tool where you can actually see what is bad for you (things you would never know were actually bad for you!) My Mother in law has been using this tool and has lost over 50 lbs. SuPeR AMAZING!
I think that anything is POSSIBLE one step at a time. I will get fit and healthy. I will NO longer feel that I'm ok the way things are.
My request to you: When you feel the need to change, change no more than 3 things at a time, and slowly add on another 3 things to change. It is too hard to do a HUGE revamp and turn your life upside down. I did that. And all it accomplished was anger and defeat. I just quit trying every time. If you can drop 10 lbs, then why not another 10lbs, your already did it? small quantities will give you HUGE results!
Happy pinching everyone! Keep sending me your feedback, I love hearing from you!